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The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. You may have seen this said another way: The Land of the Free because of the Brave. In today's world it is often easy to forget the reason we enjoy the freedoms that many people in the world do not, but each year Veteran's Day reminds us of those that made the ultimate sacrifice for that freedom. For those that have served, and are still serving this great nation, we encourage you to thank them everyday for their commitment to America and for their courage to serve.


General Colin L. Powell, USA (Ret.) said it best when he stated, "On Veterans Day, put out your flags, cheer the marchers at parades, and go to tributes. But when you wake up the next day, remember that it’s still Veterans Day for our veterans — and it will be every day of their lives."


The Town of Rutherfordton has created a campaign to recognize our heroes at different times throughout the year with honorary flags. Each flag is donated by a family member or friend in honor of those that have served and are still serving our country. The flags are displayed for a few weeks around Veteran's Day as well as Memorial Day-July 4th. Our goal is to fill every available pole downtown Rutherfordton with these flags and honor those citizens from Rutherford County for their service. If you would like to purchase a flag for a Veteran, email us at


Share Their Stories

Below are the stories we have collected from the families about their Veteran. These are truly special memories of our local heroes. Read, enjoy, and share to spread the word. We are still collecting images and stories so check back often for updates. If you have a Veteran you want to feature, email us.

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